Saturday, March 15, 2008

Winning Souls

Scriptures: Pro. 11:30; Dan. 12:3; Matt. 28:19-20
As a new believer in the early 70s, I would often feel that I was not measuring up to the standards that were being held out by many.
We were constantly told that we should be witnessing to all those around us.
We would be asked, "How many people have you led to the Lord?"
After only a short time, I began to feel that I was somehow less than a true Christian. Not only had I not led anyone to the Lord, I wasn't trying to witness to people.
I simply read my Bible and shared what I was learning. That was usually with believers, but sometimes with non-believers.
Nevertheless, the guilt remained.
I see this happening again in this day as new believers are struggling in their faith, trying to measure up to the constant challenges of "sharing their faith."
Are there differences of gifts when it comes to sharing the faith?
Why should a brand new believer have pressure applied to witness?
What would Jesus do?



gracie said...

The scriptures you used have responses to the questions you pose.
"The fruit of the righteous is a tree of life..." from Proverbs,
"...they that turn many to righteousness..." from Daniel,
"teach all nations, ...Teaching them to observe all things whatsoever I have commanded you:.." from Matthew;
all point to preparation of the "soil", or feeding the seed that has sprung up in response to receiving the word.
It is easy to get down on yourself when studying discipleship if you feel you haven't been a part of bringing someone to the Lord.
But there are some who sow, some who water, feed, and weed out the thorns, turn the soil, and then some who reap.
We should be willing to do whatever the Lord assigns us. Take joy in the sowing, even if you see no harvest, in the care, even if you see no harvest and if you have the privilege to harvest; remember there are those ahead of you who sowed the seed, remember that in the end, God is the source of salvation, not us.
New believers need to be nurtured and grounded in the word. God plants the desire to share His gift, we do not need to pressure them to do so.
My prayer is: Lord, help me stay willing to carry out my assignment whatever it may be.

gracie said...

I shared these comments with my father and he responded this way. "Jesus schooled his disciples before he sent them out. Salvation leads to discipleship." Rev. N.A. Snyder