Thursday, March 20, 2008

Spring has Sprung

Easter is earlier than usual.
This weekend we celebrate the Resurrection of the Lord Jesus Christ. Today is known in the liturgical churches as Maundy Thursday. Tomorrow is Good Friday; then Holy Saturday.
Not only is Easter coming earlier than we will see it for the next 200 years, so is Spring.
We had a deluge in our area of non-stop rain for more than 24 hours. Ponds, creeks, and rivers overflowed their banks. My backyard is still a marshland two days later. Plowing is not an option yet for a few days, maybe weeks.
While the New Year is the time most folks make resolutions, Spring brings a time of anticipation; of looking forward to the new life budding all around us.
Renewal and regeneration is in the air. My wife picked the first daffodils and put them on the dining table for us to enjoy even though we must still be indoors.
Today, however, is too nice a day to be caught working inside. But we must.
We are looking forward to days in the garden.
What about you?
What do you plan to do?
What are you looking forward to?

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1 comment:

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