Tuesday, March 4, 2008

Being Perfect

It is possible to be perfect.

James tells us that whoever does not offend with their tongue, that person is perfect. (3:2)

Now isn't that interesting?!?

How often I hear a comment such as, "No one can be perfect!" whenever the subject of being perfect comes up.

We are told more than once in the Scripture to be perfect, and this verse tells us how we can achieve that.

However, it must be noted that James also tells us that no man can tame the tongue.(3:8)

That is worthy of our consideration, because to the undiscerning, there appears to be a contradiction.

Look at the context of verse 8, and you will see that James uses natural elements such as a bit in a horse's mouth, the rudder of a ship, and wild animals to show how we have dominion in this life. He then makes his statement about no man being able to tame the tongue. He is speaking of outside influences.

In other words, there is no way I will ever be able to train you to control your tongue. That is not to say, however, that you cannot train yourself to control your tongue.

Have you ever offended someone with your speech?
If it was unintentional, how did you feel afterwards?
Has the Lord ever dealt with you about watching your words?
Tell us about that.


Anonymous said...

just this week, I wanted to share something with my spouse about a situation between 2 other people in our Church. It was an interesting situation and the telling of it would not have been to hurt either of them. Yet, it still seemed like gosip because it was about others and the only way it related to my wife was that she knows them.

The prior week, I was told something and was trying to figure out if I really needed to know it or not. This same week my spouse had a discussion with someone, and was answering the questions they were asking. Both of those seemed like gossip to me as well because I could not really find value or need in the sharing of it.

So, seems like the Lord is really dealing with me about gossip.

Dale Hill said...

Yes, it seems that the Lord may be dealing with you about gossip.
However, it seems to me that it may be deeper than that. It could be the Lord wants you to consider what you hear as well as what you say. (Mk. 4:24 KJV)
Is it edifying? Does it build up?
Is it worthwhile?
There is such a thing as just plain useless speech, and that may be an area where He is shining His light in your life.
Maybe you could offer more about what it is that you sense the Lord saying. It would benefit all of us.

Thanks for posting.

gracie said...

Lately I have been nudged by the Spirit when I reflect on the answers I gave to the question "How was your day?". Often times the response to that includes comments about so-and-so. Generally they are not building up that person but critical of that person. I've been prompted to discontinue that habit. As with all habits, it is a hard one to break. But I thank God that I am aware of it.

Anonymous said...

In my experience with those who interact with a multitude of people on a regular basis day after day, yours is a common experience.
I agree with you, though, that it is not necessarily a good habit for two reasons.
ONE: it is usually a form of gossip even though there is no intent of hurting the other person.
TWO: it is saying that the other person had more power over our day than the Lord.

We so easily forget that we can choose our response in any situation. In fact, that is what the Lord teaches us in numerous places. We do not have to "react."

And when someone asks about our day, we will be more truthful by saying something, "I could have handled such and such differently."

Thank you for making me conscious of my own reactions.

Anonymous said...

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