Wednesday, March 19, 2008

People of the Book

Are we a People of the Book?
Is our Bible more than just a coffee table decoration?
Do we know the value of the Book of Books?

According to George Gallup:

One third of those surveyed know who delivered the Sermon on the Mount.
Fewer than half can name the first book of the Bible;
80 percent of born-again Christians believe the phrase God helps those who help themselves is in the Bible (it's actually Ben Franklin).

So I'm thinking a lot these days about how to help the people that God brings my way to know and love the book. How do I proclaim the Scriptures in a way that honors their authority, and at the same time recognizes where my hearers are (as opposed to where I wish they were)?

Read the entire ariticle by John Ortberg

visit for more useful articles in your walk with the Lord.

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