Thursday, March 27, 2008


I am wondering how you have grown in the Lord by someone in the faith delegating ministry tasks to you in the recent past. Maybe someone asked you to help set up tables for a church dinner, or someone asked you to give a closing prayer, or asked you to substitute teach a Sunday School class. How did you feel in being asked? How did you respond? Did you sense any growth in the Spirit by tackling the assigned task? What was the motive in the person asking you to do that certain task?

Several Scriptures to try to read before Sunday if you would like to prepare your heart and spirit for the message:
Exodus 18:1-27 and Matthew 9:35-10:1, 5-7

In Christ alone,

Pastor Noel


felty2008 said...

I can remember the first time someone asked me to subt. teach their Sunday School class for them. My heart was big! The more I would fill in the more I wanted to do even more. It helped me get that confidence I have today to jump right in and help. It also taught to me start with myself, walk the walk and talk the talk, before I taught or ministered to others. The person that allowed to fill in as a subt. teacher was not a person to ever miss, she did it out of the kindness of her heart to prepare me for bigger and better things ahead of me in my life. I have always remembered that and I hope one day to be able to do the same thing for a person trying to learn how to give of their time to the Lord. If we all pulled away a little from our roll and reached out to someone else--wow what an impact we could have!

gracie said...

How did you feel in being asked? How did you respond? Did you sense any growth in the Spirit by tackling the assigned task? What was the motive in the person asking you to do that certain task?

My ministry to young people began when I was 14 teaching preschoolers. My discipler was my mother. She was a gentle teacher, living the example before me. I felt a sense of accomplishment and developed a love of following the Lord’s direction. This grew in me until I was teaching the children’s church and leading in the youth group. It became my calling throughout my adult life. She was faithful to the Lord in discipling me and that enabled me to continue to be faithful to the Lord in my life.

Matthew says “freely ye have received, freely give,” that message speaks to me today. Am I giving enough?