Friday, April 18, 2008

All Gloom and Doom?

I lifted the following quote from a prayer alert that was sent to me today:
Worse yet, if the vacancy doesn't occur until after the November elections and conservatives do lose control of Congress, we can very likely kiss goodbye our current opportunity to shift the Supreme Court of America. This would be the most devastating setback of our day. The consequences are unthinkable. The killing of babies and pro-death culture would continue, God would continue to be unwelcome in schools, government and public life and another generation would spiral further downward into Godless, humanistic relativism. Our God-given destiny in America could be lost indefinitely, perhaps forever. We simply cannot allow this.

This is a major thrust of the article that was sent to me. It is a call for prayer, and that part I can relate to. I cannot, however, relate to such statements as "likely kiss goodbye our current opportunity" or, "America could be lost indefinitely, perhaps forever."

Fear will not drive us to believing prayer. It drives to frantic prayer without much belief.
God honors faith, not fear. (Heb. 11:6)

Another implication from the alert is that we change things at the political level. Again, I can relate to that; but it is not the area of our greatest concern.
Not only are the weapons of our warfare not carnal, what we war against is not visible. (2 Cor. 10:3-5)

To go to the voting booth without having bathed in prayer is foolish. It is also foolish to simply vote for a "pro-life" candidate. There is more to governing this nation than a particular ideology.

Why can we not vote for someone who has given their heart to the Lord? That is not a question that is asked. Consequently, Mike Huckabee had to state it everytime he had the chance. Where is he now?

As praying Christians, we need to find the mind of God for this election. Then we need to vote in that direction. We will not necessarily find the mind of the Lord in the latest polls, or in a candidate's voting record.

Remember, voting records are a distortion of truth in this country.

Pharoah, Saul, the Midianites, and the Assyrians were all raised up by God for a purpose.

We need discerning of spirits to operate once again in the church; not a line-up of ideological agreements.

1 comment:

Jen said...

I find it interesting that I just listened to Truth for Life with Pastor Alistair Begg that addressed some of these issues. His point was that Christians are not using the weapons that our Commander and Cheif has given us to win spiritual wars and bring down strongholds. That we have embraces the theology that we have to fight with the same weapons as the world in order to win. I think his point relates to this article saying the only weapon we have is the political relm. In reality we have a spiritual relm that is more powerful than the political relm. It was a wonderful broadcast and one I would recommend. I beleive you can go to his website and find his broadcasts. He might also be at, then search for his name. Sometimes I need to be reminded of the weapons that I have at my disposal again. Then, I have to exercise them to be of any use.