Monday, March 31, 2008

Used of the Lord

What is it like to be used by the Lord?
Our pastor has been telling us in the church that each of us has gifts that the Lord can use. Not all of us are teachers, or preachers, or pastors, or some other kind of "up-front" leader; but we each have at least one gift that is given to benefit the Body of Christ. He said this past Sunday that even those who clean the building are exercising a gift that benefits the Body.

The Lord has invested heavily in my life for the gift of teaching. However, even knowing that, there are times after I teach that I feel like I completely missed the Lord's direction in the moment. There are other times when I feel as if I was standing in the Throne Room saying nothing but what the Father was saying. Quite often, either one of those feelings gets contradicted by the comments I receive or don't receive after the time of ministry. (I guess maybe my feelings are deceitful.) How long before I learn to do my best, to be sensitive to the guidance of the Holy Spirit, and to leave the results to the Lord?!?

What is your gift?
How do you use your gift?
How do you feel when you have obviously been used by the Lord to be a blessing to someone else?


afelty08 said...

What is my gift? My gift is giving to others, whether it is my time or material objects. I use my gift by givng time to those who may need me in any way--from listening to physical labor.I love to use material things that I do not need anymore and give to those that can use them.I have a great self worth for myself when I submit to the Lord and do His will not mine. It is a great feeling to help others--it keeps me in check that it is not all about me. :)

Anonymous said...

The Lord has blessed me with the gift of teaching young students. Along with the teaching, I have been extremely blessed in the area of communication:) This is more than just talking. I have been able to make sad people smile and angry people calm. The Lord blesses me with the words that I need. When I am faced with these situations, and I am able to turn something bad into good, I always give thanks to God. The people that I'm dealing with notice this--that opens a door to talk about the Lord. :)