Friday, February 15, 2008


How do you share your faith?

We have been learning about how to share the faith during our Wednesday night Bible Study. We have talked about sharing with family members, neighbors, those we work with, and with strangers.

The result has been that many in our group have committed to sharing their faith whenever they get a chance. Some are even making the opportunity where none seems to exist! One, who is not able to attend regularly due to work schedule, has been told by the supervisor not to 'preach.'

Our pastor has gone into his neighborhood knocking on doors. He's invited some to join us for our Sunday night home group, and we've met new people in that.

Our youth pastor teaches in a public school, and is constantly sharing Christ with the kids. The Youth Group at the church is busting out the walls of their space.

Things are getting stirred up within the kingdom of darkness in our area!!

Do you have a testimony about sharing your faith?

It doesn't have to be "unique" or different or "awe-inspiring." Just tell us how it works for you.

Who knows? Your story just may be the key that unlocks the door for someone to begin sharing.

I am now allowing immediate posting without moderation. Your comments will show up immediately when you publish it.
Thank you for sharing.



gracie said...

Witnessing can take many forms for me. It is in how I greet the students when they come through the door to the classroom and how I respond to there sharing whether it is an event of joy or one of sorrow.

With my colleagues it again is often in the sharing. I pray with and for my co-workers when it is needed and on request.

Opportunities arise in the classroom when discussion goes in the direction of philosophical issues, moral issues, and usually I am able to "share" more indirectly by allowing the students' freedom of speech in the classroom. gracie

Anonymous said...

At the Florida Baptist Convention, we found out about an EvangeCube Evangelism Tool ~ You can even buy them on Ebay! Put Evangecube in google and buy one today!

It's beautiful, memorable, easy to use (just follow the arrows on the cube) and tell the gospel story.

They come in three sizes. I have all three ~ tiny to keep in my purse for airplanes, buses, trolleys, waiting rooms and lines at the grocery store! Medium for carrying in a larger tote bag. And large for sharing in a classroom situation.

I led six people to the Lord with it in the first three months! One lady died the day after she prayed with me to accept Christ. It's awesome! ~ kat

Anonymous said...

I'm loving this Yuwie experience, because I witness to everyone who sends me an email! I've shared the gospel all over the world in the last three days! No one's excepted Christ yet, but I have several people engaged in discussions and the rest asking me to pray with them about personal matters!

I already have part of my testimony in my Shout Box. So, I just ask in the subject line in my replies to everyone who emails me...Tell me about when and where you accepted Jesus as Savior? Then in the message box, I put a little more info about my testimony. It's easy and I can do it right from my home! ~ kat

Anonymous said...

How do I witness? Hmmm... , perhaps through service to others. I try to help people who need help. If someone is hurting or afraid, I let them know I am praying for them. I hold their hand, give them a hug, cook them a pot of homemade soup.

Anonymous said...

Hi Peggy~
I love your brand of servant evangelism! As a Pastor's wife I've had people come to our church and say to me..."I know you, you're the lady that always smiles at me, asks how my day is going, and then offers to pray for me about what I tell you!"

Many of our neighbors attend our church now because or our care and attention towards them.

Being loving is the best witness of all! ~ kat