Thursday, May 22, 2008

Pray For Others

Steven Curtis Chapman
When someone is is in the national spotlight, we tend to think of them as something special, someone set apart from the ordinary cares of this life.
But, when tragedy strikes, we take on the burden of their pain, as it takes on national significance.
Singer/songwriter Steven Curtis Chapman has had a tragedy in his family of enormous proportion: his son drove the family car into the driveway, and struck and killed a young daughter/sister.
What grace is being called forth in the Chapman's lives!?!
Not only must they bear the loss of a daughter, they must also bear the pain the young man is feeling for being the direct cause of the loss.
How will they grieve without the son feeling responsible? How will they grieve and support at the same time?
Only God's grace can bring someone through an event such as this.
Can we ignore the need for prayer to strengthen our brothers and sisters in Nashville at this time?
Let it not be relegated to just another news item at 6 o'clock. Rather, join with the thousands/millions around the world who have been touched by this tragedy and pray for those involved. Let the news bring forth a story of grace that will touch the world.
That is what the Chapman's desire and deserve.

Wednesday, May 21, 2008

It is a Sin to Plow

Proverbs 21:4 ...and the plowing of the wicked is sin.

If something as common as plowing, which is not inherently sinful, is called sin when done by the wicked, then how can we continue to say, "He's a good man even though he doesn't know the Lord."?
Apparently, nothing is acceptable to the Lord but the righteousness that is found in Jesus.
Will the church ever begin to make the distinctions that the Lord makes?
Or, will she continue to follow the ways of the world in tolerance and acceptance of that which is an abomination to the Lord?

Tuesday, May 6, 2008

Faith or Understanding?

I don't know everything, and...

"I do not understand everything about Christ and Christianity. I also do not understand everything about electricity, but I do not intend to sit in the dark until I do."

Thought you might enjoy knowing and using this little quote.

Thursday, May 1, 2008

Free Blogging Course

I'm evaluating a multi-media course on blogging from the folks at Simpleology. For a while, they're letting you snag it for free if you post about it on your blog.

It covers:

  • The best blogging techniques.
  • How to get traffic to your blog.
  • How to turn your blog into money.

I'll let you know what I think once I've had a chance to check it out. Meanwhile, go grab yours while it's still free.

Tuesday, April 22, 2008


My wife and I stopped in for a cup of coffee the other day. While travelling toward home, she read me a quote on one of the cups. It was titled "The Way I See It #275:
When I wake up in the morning, I want to know that my family, friends and fans know what I believe in and what I'm all about. That's what should be important. Robert Randolph"
I don't know who Robert Randolph is.
I do know that we had just come from Sunday School where we talked about the Big I being the cause of sIn.
At first blush, we talked about how this was an example of the Big I.
I decided that was worth putting on the Blog.
However, as I have contemplated this, I realized there may be more truth to this than I first thought.
We are finishing up a study on discipleship at our Wednesday night group, where we have emphasized the importance of witnessing to our faith in the Lord.
When I apply Mr. Randolph's thoughts to that, I am forced to ask myself these questions:
Does everyone around me know what I stand for?
Do they know what I believe?
Can they tell from simply observing my life what is most important to me?
Can people see that Jesus is Lord by noting my actions?

What about you?

Friday, April 18, 2008

All Gloom and Doom?

I lifted the following quote from a prayer alert that was sent to me today:
Worse yet, if the vacancy doesn't occur until after the November elections and conservatives do lose control of Congress, we can very likely kiss goodbye our current opportunity to shift the Supreme Court of America. This would be the most devastating setback of our day. The consequences are unthinkable. The killing of babies and pro-death culture would continue, God would continue to be unwelcome in schools, government and public life and another generation would spiral further downward into Godless, humanistic relativism. Our God-given destiny in America could be lost indefinitely, perhaps forever. We simply cannot allow this.

This is a major thrust of the article that was sent to me. It is a call for prayer, and that part I can relate to. I cannot, however, relate to such statements as "likely kiss goodbye our current opportunity" or, "America could be lost indefinitely, perhaps forever."

Fear will not drive us to believing prayer. It drives to frantic prayer without much belief.
God honors faith, not fear. (Heb. 11:6)

Another implication from the alert is that we change things at the political level. Again, I can relate to that; but it is not the area of our greatest concern.
Not only are the weapons of our warfare not carnal, what we war against is not visible. (2 Cor. 10:3-5)

To go to the voting booth without having bathed in prayer is foolish. It is also foolish to simply vote for a "pro-life" candidate. There is more to governing this nation than a particular ideology.

Why can we not vote for someone who has given their heart to the Lord? That is not a question that is asked. Consequently, Mike Huckabee had to state it everytime he had the chance. Where is he now?

As praying Christians, we need to find the mind of God for this election. Then we need to vote in that direction. We will not necessarily find the mind of the Lord in the latest polls, or in a candidate's voting record.

Remember, voting records are a distortion of truth in this country.

Pharoah, Saul, the Midianites, and the Assyrians were all raised up by God for a purpose.

We need discerning of spirits to operate once again in the church; not a line-up of ideological agreements.

Thursday, April 17, 2008

How We Got Here--Two Views

A little girl asked her mother, 'How did the human race appear?'
The mother answered, 'God made Adam and Eve and they had children and so was all mankind made.'
Two days later, the girl asked her father the same question.
The father answered, 'Many years ago there were monkeys from which the human race evolved.'
The confused girl returned to her mother and said, 'Mom, how is it possible that you told me the human race was created by God, and Dad said they developed from monkeys?'
The mother answered, 'Well, dear, it is very simple. I told you about my side of the family and your father told you about his.'

Thursday, April 3, 2008

I'd Love to Pray!...But How?

Do you ever start to pray for someone and then think, "What am I supposed to pray for this person?" Or do you ever find yourself praying VERY generally such as, "Lord, bless 'em"?
We are given an insider's glimpse into Jesus' prayer life through the gospel of John (chapter 17). In this chapter, it is as if John pulls us in close with him to hear Jesus crying out to His Father on our behalf. We find that Jesus had something clearly in mind as He prayed for His disciples. He prayed for their Destiny and their Unity. Those two words alone could fill a book!

On Sunday, we will be covering "How Do We Pray for Those We Are Discipling?" Please read John chapter 17 in preparation for Sunday's message!

Did you hear that? Listen closely to Jesus in prayer, I think I just heard your name cross His lips!

Pastor Noel

According to the Scriptures

1 Cor. 15:3--For I passed on to you as of first importance what I also received – that Christ died for our sins according to the scriptures,

According to the Scriptures--I believe this is a place that the people of God are returning. We have wandered away. We have gone into the paths of the world's teachers. We have found them wanting.

I have my own experience in this, and I receive mail from others who have also tasted of the desert realm. Dry. Dusty. Lifeless.

I have tried to have fellowship with those who have left off the Word of God for the new teachers, but I find it lacking in adding to my life. Indeed, I find it draining.

Without the Word of God hidden within our heart, we are not able to fulfill Paul's admonition in Col. 2:8--Beware lest any man spoil you through philosophy and vain deceit, after the tradition of men, after the rudiments of the world, and not after Christ.

We were warned about the New Age movement decades ago, but the church went there anyway. Now God is once again calling His people to be People of the Book.

Are you a person of the Book?
Do you have a daily practice of spending time in the Word?
Do you use your knowledge of the Bible when talking with others?

Monday, March 31, 2008

Used of the Lord

What is it like to be used by the Lord?
Our pastor has been telling us in the church that each of us has gifts that the Lord can use. Not all of us are teachers, or preachers, or pastors, or some other kind of "up-front" leader; but we each have at least one gift that is given to benefit the Body of Christ. He said this past Sunday that even those who clean the building are exercising a gift that benefits the Body.

The Lord has invested heavily in my life for the gift of teaching. However, even knowing that, there are times after I teach that I feel like I completely missed the Lord's direction in the moment. There are other times when I feel as if I was standing in the Throne Room saying nothing but what the Father was saying. Quite often, either one of those feelings gets contradicted by the comments I receive or don't receive after the time of ministry. (I guess maybe my feelings are deceitful.) How long before I learn to do my best, to be sensitive to the guidance of the Holy Spirit, and to leave the results to the Lord?!?

What is your gift?
How do you use your gift?
How do you feel when you have obviously been used by the Lord to be a blessing to someone else?

Friday, March 28, 2008


Someone commented on the role of delegation in her life in a recent post. She said, "If we all pulled away a little from our roll and reached out to someone else--wow what an impact we could have!"

That is exactly what I am talking about concerning discipleship and delegation. Delegation is not to be confused with "dumping." Delegation is equipping someone near you to do what you are doing alone, thus giving synergy to the desired outcome. Let me illustrate. I have heard it said that one draft horse can pull on a sled a weight of 2 tons. Guess how many two draft horses can pull on a sled together. Did you say 4 tons? Nope!
The answer is 12 tons! That is synergy. Jesus knows this principle; hence He sent the disciples out in pairs AFTER He had been with them for a considerable time of training.

Let me be very frank. Who are you intentionally building into so that they can help us fulfill the great commission? If you are a Christian, this type of fruit should be appearing in your life in some form or fashion! If you do not see this type of fruit in your life, do not despair. Begin to ask the Lord of the harvest to speak to your heart about "rolling up those shirt sleeves" and getting involved in delegating to your disciples. Look! The field is white unto harvest!

Pastor Noel

Thursday, March 27, 2008


I am wondering how you have grown in the Lord by someone in the faith delegating ministry tasks to you in the recent past. Maybe someone asked you to help set up tables for a church dinner, or someone asked you to give a closing prayer, or asked you to substitute teach a Sunday School class. How did you feel in being asked? How did you respond? Did you sense any growth in the Spirit by tackling the assigned task? What was the motive in the person asking you to do that certain task?

Several Scriptures to try to read before Sunday if you would like to prepare your heart and spirit for the message:
Exodus 18:1-27 and Matthew 9:35-10:1, 5-7

In Christ alone,

Pastor Noel

Monday, March 24, 2008

Easter Eye-Openers

I would love to hear what God spoke to you on His Son's resurrection day. How did God speak to you during a message? A song? A conversation? Or during your own quiet time?

In Christ alone,

Noel George
Pastor Monett Church of the Nazarene

Thursday, March 20, 2008

Spring has Sprung

Easter is earlier than usual.
This weekend we celebrate the Resurrection of the Lord Jesus Christ. Today is known in the liturgical churches as Maundy Thursday. Tomorrow is Good Friday; then Holy Saturday.
Not only is Easter coming earlier than we will see it for the next 200 years, so is Spring.
We had a deluge in our area of non-stop rain for more than 24 hours. Ponds, creeks, and rivers overflowed their banks. My backyard is still a marshland two days later. Plowing is not an option yet for a few days, maybe weeks.
While the New Year is the time most folks make resolutions, Spring brings a time of anticipation; of looking forward to the new life budding all around us.
Renewal and regeneration is in the air. My wife picked the first daffodils and put them on the dining table for us to enjoy even though we must still be indoors.
Today, however, is too nice a day to be caught working inside. But we must.
We are looking forward to days in the garden.
What about you?
What do you plan to do?
What are you looking forward to?

Visit our website at for new articles that have been posted there.

Wednesday, March 19, 2008

People of the Book

Are we a People of the Book?
Is our Bible more than just a coffee table decoration?
Do we know the value of the Book of Books?

According to George Gallup:

One third of those surveyed know who delivered the Sermon on the Mount.
Fewer than half can name the first book of the Bible;
80 percent of born-again Christians believe the phrase God helps those who help themselves is in the Bible (it's actually Ben Franklin).

So I'm thinking a lot these days about how to help the people that God brings my way to know and love the book. How do I proclaim the Scriptures in a way that honors their authority, and at the same time recognizes where my hearers are (as opposed to where I wish they were)?

Read the entire ariticle by John Ortberg

visit for more useful articles in your walk with the Lord.

Saturday, March 15, 2008

Winning Souls

Scriptures: Pro. 11:30; Dan. 12:3; Matt. 28:19-20
As a new believer in the early 70s, I would often feel that I was not measuring up to the standards that were being held out by many.
We were constantly told that we should be witnessing to all those around us.
We would be asked, "How many people have you led to the Lord?"
After only a short time, I began to feel that I was somehow less than a true Christian. Not only had I not led anyone to the Lord, I wasn't trying to witness to people.
I simply read my Bible and shared what I was learning. That was usually with believers, but sometimes with non-believers.
Nevertheless, the guilt remained.
I see this happening again in this day as new believers are struggling in their faith, trying to measure up to the constant challenges of "sharing their faith."
Are there differences of gifts when it comes to sharing the faith?
Why should a brand new believer have pressure applied to witness?
What would Jesus do?


Thursday, March 13, 2008

Divisive Doctrines

My wife and I have been having an ongoing discussion about the divisiveness of words.
Her focus is on 1 Timothy 6:4, 20 and 2 Tim. 2:14, 23 which all talk about doctrines and words that cause arguments.
My focus is on 2 Timothy 2:25-26, which tells us to instruct those who are given to divisiveness.
This is not an issue of "Who is right? Who is wrong?" For, as can be seen from the verses quoted, both have their place.
We both have a problem in one of our Bible study groups with the bringing up of controversial doctrine.
I don't like it when the thought is not on point, but just seems to be someone's hobby horse. My wife doesn't like it because she can see where it will lead.
She wants it stopped before it begins.
I want the attitudes that engender the divisiveness to be stopped.
I feel we have an opportunity to show how we can learn to speak with gentleness rather than get heated because someone's view is different from our own.
She doesn't want the intensity to show up at all.

(please try to avoid a right/wrong in this)
What is your experience in these kinds of situations?
What do you feel is at the root of discussions that become heated?
What is the leader's responsibility when intense debate shows up in a gathering?

Monday, March 10, 2008

Handing Out Tracts

This may not be true, but it is a good read, even though a bit long.

The Pastor and his son

Every Sunday afternoon, after the morning service at the church, the Pastor and his eleven year old son would go out into their town and hand out Gospel Tracts.

This particular Sunday afternoon, as it came time for the Pastor and his son to go to the streets with their tracts, it was very cold outside, as well as pouring down rain. The boy bundled up in his warmest and driest clothes and said, "OK, dad, I'm ready."

His Pastor dad asked, "Ready for what?"

"Dad, it's time we gather our tracts together and go out."

Dad responds, "Son, it's very cold outside and it's pouring down rain."

The boy gives his dad a surprised look, asking, "But Dad, aren't people still going to Hell, even though it's raining?" (more)

After you read the rest of the story:

Do people still pass out tracts?

Is it a valid method of ministering to the lost?

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Wednesday, March 5, 2008

The Purpose of Teaching

Why Do We Teach?

We proclaim him by instructing and teaching all people with all wisdom so that we may present every person mature in Christ. Colossians 1:28-29

It should be the goal of every preacher/teacher/discipler to teach those they are responsible for with wisdom and grace in order to help their charge(s) grow in the knowledge of the Lord Jesus Christ.

If what you teach is not reproducible, then what does it serve? (2 Tim. 2:2)
If it does not result in a changed or changing life, what good is it?

To just grab a handful of seed without knowing where it comes from or where it is to go, is, at best, an exercise in futility. It will not necessarily do the hearers any good.

Let us, as teachers, make it our ambition to present every person fully mature, ie, perfect, in the Lord Jesus.

Tuesday, March 4, 2008

Being Perfect

It is possible to be perfect.

James tells us that whoever does not offend with their tongue, that person is perfect. (3:2)

Now isn't that interesting?!?

How often I hear a comment such as, "No one can be perfect!" whenever the subject of being perfect comes up.

We are told more than once in the Scripture to be perfect, and this verse tells us how we can achieve that.

However, it must be noted that James also tells us that no man can tame the tongue.(3:8)

That is worthy of our consideration, because to the undiscerning, there appears to be a contradiction.

Look at the context of verse 8, and you will see that James uses natural elements such as a bit in a horse's mouth, the rudder of a ship, and wild animals to show how we have dominion in this life. He then makes his statement about no man being able to tame the tongue. He is speaking of outside influences.

In other words, there is no way I will ever be able to train you to control your tongue. That is not to say, however, that you cannot train yourself to control your tongue.

Have you ever offended someone with your speech?
If it was unintentional, how did you feel afterwards?
Has the Lord ever dealt with you about watching your words?
Tell us about that.

Thursday, February 28, 2008

Be Reconciled

This week’s memory verse for our Master Life discipleship study (Life Way Publishing) is Matt 5:23-24, which speaks of being reconciled to someone who is offended with you before leaving your gift at the altar.

How can we be reconciled when someone will not admit that they are offended, and will not own any part of their behavior in a negative way?

When we are reconciled to God, we must admit our sinful condition, while accepting His unconditional love. Does this pattern not also serve us in our relationships with others?

How can we relate to a brother or sister who—in their mind, attitude, and words—has never done anything wrong in their life?

What is our responsibility here as pertains to reconciliation?

Is there a time or place in our experience when we can just walk away from someone and leave them to their own devices?

Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Keep Them B.U.S.Y.

SATAN'S MEETING: (Read, even if you're busy)
Satan called a worldwide convention of demons.
In his opening address he said,
"We can't keep Christians from going to church. We can't keep them from reading their Bibles and knowing the truth. We can't even keep them from forming an intimate relationship with their Savior.
"Once they gain that connection with Jesus, our power over them is broken.
"So let them go to their churches; let them have their covered dish dinners, BUT steal their time, so they don't have time to develop a relationship with Jesus Christ."
The devil continued, "This is what I want you to do:
"Distract them from gaining hold of their Savior and maintaining that vital connection throughout their day!"
"How shall we do this?" his demons shouted.
"Keep them busy in the non-essentials of life and invent innumerable schemes to occupy their minds," he answered. more

Have you been trapped by the B.U.S.Y. lifestyle?
Describe what you could do or have done to get out of it.

Monday, February 25, 2008

The Possibility of Perfection

Matt. 5:48 Be perfect therefore, as your your heavenly Father is perfect. (NIV)

This appears to be an imperative from Jesus. He tells us to be perfect.

This follows on the heels of all the statements He made that elaborated on what was commonly thought. "You have heard it said...but I say..." He is telling us to be different than the norm.
How hard that is for many Christians!

That little connector word "as" could mean either "to the same degree" or "because He is."

To my mind, it doesn't make much difference. He began millenia ago by telling the Israelites that they were to be holy, because He is holy. I'm not convinced that the God who changes not (Mal. 3:6) has changed.

We seem to have a problem with that word "PERFECT." I get the impression that we are scared to death of it, because of its implications.

What do you think.

I will be continuing this topic for the next few days.

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Thursday, February 21, 2008

Oprah's Spirituality

Subject: Oprah joins false prophets Bible warned about
This came to me via e-mail, and I went and checked it out. The article can be read at or "Oprah and Friends" to teach course on New Age Christ

Jesus Christ being reinvented, redefined, and blasphemed and, this false New-Age Christ teaching is about to make huge inroads into the world, with the help of the queen of television talk shows, Oprah Winfrey.

Oprah Winfrey, beginning January 1, 2008, on her daily radio program will offer a year-long course on the New Age Christ , in a lesson a day and completely cover the 365 lessons from the Course in Miracles "Workbook."

Listeners will be encouraged to buy A Course in Miracles for the year-long course, and an audio version, recited by Richard (John Boy Walton) Thomas will be available on compact disc. Those who finish the Course will have a wholly redefined spiritual mindset-a New Age worldview that include the beliefs that there is no sin, no evil, no devil. A Course in Miracles teaches its students to rethink everything they believe about God and life, and, bluntly states: "This is a course in mind training" and is dedicated to "thought reversal."

The Course in Miracles -in reality-is the truth of the Bible turned upside down.

Oprah told her television audience that Williamson's book (sic This is not Williamson's book: Marianne Williamson is using this book for the radio program--Dale), A Course in Miracles was one of her favorite books, and that she had already bought a thousand copies and would be handing them out to everyone in her studio audience. Oprah's endorsement skyrocketed Williamson's book to the top of the New York Times bestseller list.

A Course in Miracles is allegedly a "new revelation" from "Jesus" to help humanity work through these troubled times. This "Jesus"-who bears no doctrinal resemblance to the Bible's Jesus Christ-began delivering channeled teachings in 1965 to a Columbia University Professor of Medical Psychology, Helen Schucman.

One day Schucman heard an "inner voice" stating, "This is a course in miracles. Please take notes." For seven years she diligently took spiritual dictation from this voice that described himself as "Jesus."

Here are some quotes from the "Jesus" voice of A Course in Miracles :

"There is no sin . . . "

A "slain Christ has no meaning."

"The journey to the cross should be the last ' useless journey."

"Do not make the pathetic error of 'clinging to the old rugged cross.'"

"The Name of Jesus Christ as such is but a symbol... It is a symbol that is safely used as a replacement for the many names of all the gods to which you pray."

"The recognition of God is the recognition of yourself."

"The Atonement is the final lesson he [man] need learn, for it teaches him that, never having sinned, he has no need of salvation."

Popular author Wayne Dyer told his PBS television audience that the "brilliant writing" of A Course in Miracles would produce more peace in the world.

The Course in Miracles-based book, Forgiveness, continues to be sold in Robert Schuller's Crystal Cathedral bookstore as Schuller prepares to host a January 17-19, 2008, "Rethink Conference" at his Crystal Cathedral.

2 Timothy 3 1This know also, that in the last days perilous times shall come. 2For men shall be lovers of their own selves, covetous, boasters, proud, blasphemers, disobedient to parents, unthankful, unholy, 3Without natural affection, trucebreakers, false accusers, incontinent, fierce, despisers of those that are good, 4Traitors, heady, highminded, lovers of pleasures more than lovers of God; 5Having a form of godliness, but denying the power thereof: from such turn away.

What do you think?

You can listen to the radio program on your computer by clicking on
and then clicking the schedule guide and clicking on Marianne Williamson.

As always, thank you for supporting this site. Tell others about it.

Monday, February 18, 2008

A Bible Reading Plan

Read the Bible FOR a Year,

DON'T Read the Bible IN a Year

As Christians, we believe the Bible is The Word of God. It is God’s word to us. Most churches state in their creed that the Bible is their standard for faith and morals. Paul writes to Timothy that the Bible is “profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness: that the man of God may be perfect, throughly furnished unto all good works.” (2Timothy 3:16 KJV)

The “man of God” that Paul refers to is firstly, one who is a minister to God’s people; and, secondly, anyone who wants to follow the Lord. We are all to be completely “furnished unto all good works.” The Bible gives us the necessary instructions for how to do that.

Being able to read the Bible for one’s own pleasure, profit, and growth is a privilege we relinquish at great peril. Yet, there are many today (2007) who no longer take the time to read the Book of Books. Of those who do, precious few know how to read with understanding. Thankfully, the Holy Spirit is able to overcome our ignorance if our heart is pure. (Matt. 5:8)

We should study the Bible for at least three reasons:

1. To know what it says

2. To know what it says about Jesus

3. To know what it says to me.

The first reason is simply to become familiar with the text itself. There are 66 books in the Bible, and each one of them was written for a different purpose. Some contain historical data; others contain wisdom sayings, others contain prophetic utterances. However, every single one of the 66 books has something to say about Jesus, either prophetically or historically.

The second reason takes us beyond the mere reading of the words on the pages. It requires understanding to know how the particular book relates to anything about Jesus. Often, that understanding can only come from someone helping us to understand. (See Acts 8:30-31)

Thirdly, we should study the Bible to know what God says to each of us. It is more important to know what God is saying to me than it is to know what God is saying about others. Yet, this is the most common outcome of Bible study today—using the Bible to prove that so-and-so shouldn’t be doing such-and-such.

God has something important to say to you today. One of the ways He will do that is through your continual reading and application of His Word.

Reading is important. Reading with understanding is more important.

In the same way that Phillip asked the Ethiopian, “Do you understand what you read?”, so I ask you, “Do you understand what you read?” more>>>

The Lord is after the quality of a changed life, not how many words one can read in a year. Quality—not quantity. That is the Lord’s desire. Make it your desire also.


Are you one who got lost trying to read the whole Bible in a year?

Tell us about your experience.

Did you read the Bible in a year?

Tell us about your experience.

Saturday, February 16, 2008


I am new to blogging, and I have discovered that some of you who are posting comments (Thank you very much!!) are as green as I am. So, I have spent this morning on the "Help" page of Blogger learning some new things.

I have changed the "Comments" to open in a new window. At the bottom of that window, you will see some boxes to check. One of them is to send me an e-mail when you post a comment. That is up to you. I will see them faster if you do, because I do not spend all day at the blog site.

I have also taken away the "Moderate Comments" aspect. Your comments no longer go through me first; they go immediately to the blog. I am not able to edit them or to choose whether to post your comments.

If you find a "Post" that intrigues you enough to comment, you might want to send that particular "Post" along to a friend on your list. Click on the white envelope icon at the bottom of the particular post you are interested in. Each "Post" has its own set of icons, links, and comments. So pay particular attention.

Because of the timing of the server, and our different locations around the world, your comment may not always appear in an exact order that would make following the thread of conversation easily identified. Therefore, it would benefit all readers if you would refer to the particular comment that you are addressing. Since many of you have chosen to use "Anonymous" as your ID, it is not possible to just say, "I disagree with anonymous..." It would be better if you referred to the particular statement you are commenting on.

You can do this easily by highlighting the piece of text from their comment, pressing Ctrl+C on your keyboard, then moving into your comment area and pressing Ctrl+V. The text will appear where you have your cursor.

Those of you who have more experience with blogging could help us out today by posting your comments on how we can make our experiences more meaningful.

Tell us about your blogging experience, whether you are a newbie like me, or an old-timer on the blog scene.

Friday, February 15, 2008


How do you share your faith?

We have been learning about how to share the faith during our Wednesday night Bible Study. We have talked about sharing with family members, neighbors, those we work with, and with strangers.

The result has been that many in our group have committed to sharing their faith whenever they get a chance. Some are even making the opportunity where none seems to exist! One, who is not able to attend regularly due to work schedule, has been told by the supervisor not to 'preach.'

Our pastor has gone into his neighborhood knocking on doors. He's invited some to join us for our Sunday night home group, and we've met new people in that.

Our youth pastor teaches in a public school, and is constantly sharing Christ with the kids. The Youth Group at the church is busting out the walls of their space.

Things are getting stirred up within the kingdom of darkness in our area!!

Do you have a testimony about sharing your faith?

It doesn't have to be "unique" or different or "awe-inspiring." Just tell us how it works for you.

Who knows? Your story just may be the key that unlocks the door for someone to begin sharing.

I am now allowing immediate posting without moderation. Your comments will show up immediately when you publish it.
Thank you for sharing.


Thursday, February 14, 2008

What is the Question?

Today is Post Your Question day.
What is your question? Post it here and read what others may have to say in response.
We may take some of those questions for future discussion.
Do you have a question about something in the Bible?
Do you have a question about how we should live?
Do you have a question about our society?
Anyone is free to post their question, and all are free to respond.
What is the Spirit saying to the Church?
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Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Faith or Fear

It has been my observation for years that many Christians make their message of none effect because of the life they live. While they proclaim that FAITH is their message, their lives proclaim that FEAR is their motivation. They do things based on some fear of something that "might happen."
When asked about their action, I usually get something along the lines of, "God gave us common sense," or, "Well, you have to be careful."
I have no problem with caution or common sense.
My problem is with the fear that masquerades as caution.
If we tell people that we have faith in the Lord, yet most everything we do is based on fear, how can we expect people to believe us? Just "believing in Jesus" is not the complete faith that we are to live. It must permeate our lives.
Your comments will definitely help all of us to understand this phenomenom of an apparent dichotomy within the believing community.

Monday, February 11, 2008

The Unjust Steward Lk 16:1-12

In Sunday's class, we were presented with a question from Lk. 16:1-12 that we were not able to answer.
Why was this steward commended by the Lord?
I do not as yet have a solid answer, but these thoughts from Matthew Henry, may shed some light.
Whatever we have, the property of it is God's; we have only the use of it, according to the direction of our great Lord, and for his honour. This steward wasted his lord's goods. And we are all liable to the same charge; we have not made due improvement of what God has trusted us with. The steward cannot deny it; he must make up his accounts, and be gone. This may teach us that death will come, and deprive us of the opportunities we now have. The steward will make friends of his lord's debtors or tenants, by striking off a considerable part of their debt to his lord. The lord referred to in this parable commended not the fraud, but the policy of the steward. In that respect alone is it so noticed. Worldly men, in the choice of their object, are foolish; but in their activity, and perseverance, they are often wiser than believers. The unjust steward is not set before us as an example in cheating his master, or to justify any dishonesty, but to point out the careful ways of worldly men. It would be well if the children of light would learn wisdom from the men of the world, and would as earnestly pursue their better object. The true riches signify spiritual blessings; and if a man spends upon himself, or hoards up what God has trusted to him, as to outward things, what evidence can he have, that he is an heir of God through Christ? The riches of this world are deceitful and uncertain. Let us be convinced that those are truly rich, and very rich, who are rich in faith, and rich toward God, rich in Christ, in the promises; let us then lay up our treasure in heaven, and expect our portion from thence. —Matthew Henry Concise